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  1. ************************************************ Ban informations Name: Script SteamID: STEAM_2:0:1667045386 Reason: no WG Unban time: Permanent ban ************************************************
  2. ************************************************ Ban informations Name: grizlinel SteamID: STEAM_2:1:1473132913 Reason: no wg + reconnect Unban time: Permanent ban ************************************************
  3. ************************************************ Ban informations Name: Novichok IP: Reason: no wg Unban time: Permanent ban ************************************************
  4. ************************************************ Ban informations Name: Йорик SteamID: STEAM_2:1:1765909916 Reason: no wg+ reconnect Unban time: Permanent ban ************************************************
  5. ************************************************ Ban informations Name: |BMW|_______| M|________|POWER| SteamID: STEAM_1:1:2006280553 Reason: NO WG Unban time: Permanent ban ************************************************
  6. Prenume » Ciprian Vârsta » 15 Locația » Constanta Ocupație » Elev Hobby-uri și pasiuni » fotbalu, iesitu pe afr cu tovarasi, sa ascult mgk etc Modalitate de contact » discord ciprianos_de_agigea De unde ai auzit de EXTREMEGAMING? » de pe net Acordă o notă comunității » 10 vpp Alte detalii »VPP
  7. Ban informations Name: ABS IP: Reason: NO WG Unban time: Permanent ban
  8. Ban informations Name: karma karma IP: Reason: no.wg Unban time: Permanent ban
  9. ************************************************ Ban informations Name: .a SteamID: STEAM_2:0:58775805 Reason: aim + cfg-uri extrem de ciudate. Ban lenght: Permanent ban Unban time: 21:13:53 10/23/2216 ************************************************
  10. Nickname:ciprianos Tag Custom: BDT Ore jucate: 1
  11. Nick:ciprianos Age:15 Steam on/off:off SteamID:STEAM_1:0:994733038 Time spent on server [GAMETRACKER.COM] : https://www.gametracker.com/player/ciprianos/ Experience CS/AMXX: am am, dar abia ce am revenit pe cs si nu prea imi mai aduc aminte, dar imi revin eu:) Time avaiable: 2 ore depinde in ce zi ma prindeti In the day or in the evening?:si si Why do you wanna be a admin? : ca vad ca serverul e la inceput si pur si simplu vreau sa l ajut, administrand serverul, sa curat sv u de hackeri etc.. Did you read the Admin/Playeri Rules? : Da. Do you take the responsability to check the forum minim once a day? : Da, sigur. Will you participate at the staff conference on TeamSpeak 3? : umm, da, daca e nevoie. Contact(Discord, Steam, Skype): discord: ciprianos_de_agigea
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