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Everything posted by DanyBlade91

  1. JOIn us ON DISCORD FOR MORE INFOhttps://discord.gg/HQWMu8q5J7
  2. Folosirea CFG-urilor ce nu sunt acceptate de Wargods este interzisa. Folosirea de coduri, hack-uri, script-uri, awp scope. Configuratiile CFG cu mai mult de 250 de linii sunt interzise. Interzisa reclama altor site-uri/ servere. Daca adminii va cer test Wargod, este interzis sa dati retry in consola. Jucatorii au obligatia sa faca testul Wargods daca adminii le cer lucru acesta, in special cand acestia au facut cerere de admin. Nu cereti wargods sau SS pe server , faceti demo si in functie de demo se baneaza sau nu ! Membrii STAFF-ului ECL sunt rugati sa nu baneze jucatorii fara dovezi (demo ). Limbajul necorespunzator pe server va fi sanctionat cu gag 3-5 minute. Insultarea adminilor va fi sanctionata cu gag/ban 30 de minute. Nu este aceptata folosirea comenzii “retry” dupa Gag, aceasta rezulta cu sanctionare ban 30 de minute. Pentru a raporta un posibil jucatori ce foloseste coduri, se utilizeaza say_team (u@) + numele jucatorului banuit ca ar folosi coduri. Este INTERZISA urcarea pe mapa . VIP-urile nu au voie sa faca asta. Daca primiti slay/ kick sau ban, puteti face o plangere despre acel admin pe forum. Respectati ceilalti jucatori si adminii. Daca vreti sa faceti o cerere de admin, raspunsul la intrebarea “Ai citit regulamentul?” este "Respecta si vei fi respectat" Este interzisa urcarea pe mapa. Este interzis ca toti jucatorii VIP sa fie intr-o singura echipa. Orice admin sau player care detine gradul VIP, va fi transferat la o alta echipa in cazul in care nu se va conforma echilibrari echipelor. Gradele urmatoare au puterea de decizie pentru a transfera un player sau admin care detine VIP la o alta echipa sunt: Commander, Detinator, Founder, Manager,Owner. Gradul VIP poate fi suspendat pe o durata de 12h pana la 24h. In cazul in care adminul sau player-ul in cauza se opune masurii. Gradele mentionate mai sus, Sunt obligate la randul lor sa echilibreze echipele la intrarea pe server, respectiv la intrarea intr-o echipa. Folosirea codurilor va fi sanctionata cu Remove fara posibilitatea de a primi banii inapoi. Limbajul necorespunzator va fi sanctionat cu Warn si la urmatoarea abatare va fi sanctionat cu Remove fara posibilitatea de a primi banii inapoi. Respectati adminii, nu le spuneti cum sa isi faca treaba, nu este responsabilitatea voastra. Respectati chat-ul de admini, nu interveniti cand un admin discuta cu alti jucatori, nu este responsabilitatea voastra. RULES Using CFGs which are not accepted by WarGods, are forbidden. Using cheats, hacks, scripts, AWP Scope... etc. Configs.cfg with more than 250 lines ARE FORBIDDEN. Advertising other sites/servers. Counter-strike NVIDIA is forbidden, all versions. If Admin asks you for WarGod Test, you are not allowed to RETRY. Players have the obligation to make Wargods Test if Admins ask for it, especially when they make admin request. Inappropriate language on server will be punished with Gag 3 - 5 minutes. ECL staff members are asked not to ban players without evidence (demo/wg). Insulting Admins will be punished with gag/ban 30 minutes. Its not allowed to use Retry after GAG, Ban 30 minutes. To make a report in-game for a possible cheater use say_team@ (u@) + name of cheater. You are NOT ALLOWED to climb on the map. If you get Slay / Kick or Ban, you can make a complaint about that Admin on forum. Respect other players and Admins. If you want to make a request, the secret answer at "Did you read the rules?" is -> "Respect and you will be respected" You are not allowed to climb on the map. You are not allowed to be all together in one team. It doesn't matter if you prefer to play as T/CT. You have to keep the team balance as mentioned at the rule 2. Every admin or player wich have VIP will be transfered to another team if he will not gonna keep the team's balanced. Next rang of admins will can take the decision straight away to move one admin or player wich have VIP rang: Commander, Detinator, Founder, Manager, Owner. The VIP rang can be suspended for 12h to 24h if the admin or player will not gonna accept the decision. The rang's mentioned on top will be forced to respect also the rule of balancing the team's. when they get on the server or into thea team's. Cheating will be punished with Removal without getting your money back. Inappropriate language will be Warned and the second time will be punished with Removal without getting your money back. Respect admins, don't tell them what to do, it's not your responsibility. Respect admin chat, don't interfere when admins talking, it's not your responsibility.
  3. details in privat on DIscord =dk.0012
  4. [EN] The title must respect the model: [CSGO- Admin] Nickname Model Admin Request: Nick: Age: Steam on/off: SteamID: Time spent on server [GAMETRACKER.COM] : Experience CS/AMXX: Time avaiable: In the day or in the evening?: Why do you wanna be a admin? : Did you read the Admin/Playeri Rules? : Do you take the responsability to check the forum minim once a day? : Contact(Discord, Steam, Skype): !!!! Se va raspunde Obligatoriu de catre Manageri , Detinatorii Serverului cu urmatoarele postari!!! sau Alte raspunsuri nu vor fii luate in considerare !!!! SIGNED BY DANYVLADE9 1
  5. Nick : @DanyBlade91 Unique ID ( pentru adaugare grad ts3) : s8lBM1bUKNVEbmpJ3LOMhDTT9q4= Nume canal TS3 : CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Contact owner : pm forum ; Discord DanyBlade91#4517 Steam DanyBlade91; TS3 ; Malboro Steam MarlboRo Moderatori categorie : @DanyBlade91 @KeN @MarlboRo ★ [CSGO] Link Discord ★ https://discord.gg/X52ZGDnsdg ★ [CSGO] Rules ★ Gasesti Regulamentul Admini/Playeri - CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Here you can find the Admin/Player Rules -CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO ,★ [CSGO] Announcements & Informations ★ Aici Gasesti Toate Noutatile Serverului CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Here you can find all the news of the CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO server ★ [CSGO] Staff ★ Aici Gasesti Conducerea Serverului CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Here you can find the CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Server STAFF ★ [CSGO] Donations ★ Doresti Sa Ajuti CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO? - Intra Aici! Do you want to help CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO? - Come in here! ★ [CSGO] Accesses Request ★ : Doresti Sa Faci Parte Din Stafful CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO? Do you want to be part of the CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO?? staff? - Come in here! [CSGO] Request Admin / Slot [CSGO] VIP request [CSGO] UnBan application ★ [CSGO Banlist ★ Evidenta BanList Admini -CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Evidence BanList Admins -CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO ★ [CSGO] Complaints ★ Ai Ceva De Reclamat? - Aici Este Locul ! Do you have something to complain about? - This is the place! ★ [CSGO] Free Discussions ★ Cafenea CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO Cafe CSGO.EXTREMEGAMING.RO ★ [CSGO] Admins Zone ★ LOCKED ! - ADMIN ZONE ! ★CSGO - Server Promotion ★ Vrei Sa Ajuti Serverul ? Voteaza Aici ! Do you want to help the server? Vote Here! ★ [CSGO] - CSGO Archive ★ Link Gametracker : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  6. Nick : @DanyBlade91 Unique ID ( pentru adaugare grad ts3) : s8lBM1bUKNVEbmpJ3LOMhDTT9q4= Nume canal TS3 : ECL.ROYALCS.RO Contact owner : pm forum ; Discord DanyBlade91#4517 Steam DanyBlade91; TS3 ; Malboro Steam MarlboRo Moderatori categorie : @DanyBlade91 @KeN@kaZzy @MarlboRo @Pewpew1337- @Sadj Sub-Forumuri: ★ [ECL] Link Discord ★ https://discord.gg/X52ZGDnsdg ,★ [ECL] Rules ★ Gasesti Regulamentul Admini/Playeri - ECL.ROYALCS.RO Here you can find the Admin/Player Rules - ECL.ROYALCS.RO ,★ [ECL] Announcements & Informations ★ Aici Gasesti Toate Noutatile Serverului ECL.ROYALCS.RO Here you can find all the news of the ECL.ROYALCS.RO server ★ [ECL] Staff ★ Aici Gasesti Conducerea Serverului ECL.ROYALCS.RO Here you can find the ECL.ROYALCS.RO Server STAFF ★ [ECL] Donations ★ Doresti Sa Ajuti ECL.ROYALCS.RO? - Intra Aici! Do you want to help ECL.ROYALCS.RO? - Come in here! ★ [ECL] Accesses Request ★ : Doresti Sa Faci Parte Din Stafful ECL.ROYALCS.RO? Do you want to be part of the ECL.ROYALCS.RO? staff? - Come in here! [ECL] Request Admin / Slot [ECL] VIP request [ECL] UnBan application ★ [ECL] Banlist ★ Evidenta BanList Admini -ECL.ROYALCS.RO Evidence BanList Admins - ECL.ROYALCS.RO ★ [ECL] Complaints ★ Ai Ceva De Reclamat? - Aici Este Locul ! Do you have something to complain about? - This is the place! ★ [ECL] Free Discussions ★ Cafenea ECL.ROYALCS.RO Cafe ECL.ROYALCS.RO ★ [ECL] Admins Zone ★ LOCKED ! - ADMIN ZONE ! ★ECL - Server Promotion ★ Vrei Sa Ajuti Serverul ? Voteaza Aici ! Do you want to help the server? Vote Here! ★ [ECL] - ECL Archive ★ Link Gametracker : https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  7. Nume : DanyBlade91 nick @DanyBlade91 Vârstă : 31 De ce dorești să aplici pentru acest grad? :sa ajut comunitatea Ce sectiune dorești spre moderare? : toate Ce îmbunătătiri poti aduce sectiunii moderate? :multe Explică activitatea ta pe forum și sectiune din ultima vreme : administrare server, management., Fondator Ești conștient că vei fi pus într-o perioadă de probă, iar dacă nu te vei descurca riști să fii suspendat?yes Ești recomandat de cineva din comunitate? : de toti !! Alte precizări :nimic Poti intra pe teamspeak la ședinte? : da
  8. Prenume »Daniel Vârsta » -- Locația » Londra Ocupație » Gaming Hobby-uri și pasiuni »FPS Modalitate de contact » steam Danielch911 De unde ai auzit de BRAWNCS.RO? » O poză cu tine (opţional) » Acordă o notă comunității » +10 Alte detalii » Informații :
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